— 呆毛芹菜 —

GERMAN56 课堂笔记Week4-5(待续)

Session7 Selya Benhabib (Philosophical Foundations Of Cosmopolitan Norms)

    1. 3 Types of Cosmopolitanism

        1. Patriotism //Nussbaum

        2. Hybridity, Fluidity, recognizing the fractured and internally riven character of human selves and citizens //Kant, Jeremy Waldron

        3. !! Cosmopolitanism is a normative philosophy for carrying the universalistic norms of discourse ethics beyond the confines of the nation state //Benhabib!!

    2. Human Existenz (Human Condition)

            -- care of international human rights

    3. Rights

        1. Domestic Law

        2. By treaties among states (@EU)

        3. Cosmopolitan Right (@universal hospitality)

        ** 3 related areas:

                1. Crime Against Humanity

                2. Humanitarian Interventions

                3. Transnational Migration

    4. Concept of Sovereignty: (??)

        -- 1. Kantian Hospitality VS 2. Liberal International Sovereignty

    5. The Right to Have Rights:

        -- is determined by citizenship: @WWII experience

    6. The Rights of the citizen and the Rights of man

    7. 2 Paradoxes

        1. Uphold human rights VS will of democratic majorities

        2. Democracies cannot chose the boundaries of their own membership democratically.

Session 8.1 Richard Rorty (The Unpatriotic Academy)

    1. Richard Rorty:

            1. "Anti-Philosopher's Philosopher"

                -- don't agree with all the 'group' studies (ethnic)

    2. Patriotism >> Liberalism✔️

    3. Citizenship

    4. Pluralism VS Multiculturalism

        1. Pluralism:

                groups coexisting while share a common national identity and pride

                -- hard to define how one SHOULD conceive an identity (proud of differentthings)

        2. Multiculturalism:

                groups remain sepaate, recognize and appreciate the differences among one another

Session 8.2 Martha S. Nussbaum (For the Love of Country: 1st cosmo by Benhabib)

    1. Tagore's The Home and the World

            *Bimala: young wife: patriot >> cosmopolitan            

            *Sandip: friend: patriot

            *Nikhil: the husband, Hindu landlord: cosmopolitan

    2. Cosmopolitan Education

            1. learn more about ourselves

            2. learn to solve problems that require international cooperation

            3. recognize moral obligations to the rest of the world are real, or otherwise unrecognized

            4. learn to make a consistent and coherent argument based on distinctions we are prepared to defend

            //learn to imagine others morally; able to relate

    3. Being a World Citizen

            1. "But cosmopolitanism does not require, in any case, that we should give equal attention to all parts of the world."

                -- The Concentric Circle: from family >> community >> nation >> the entire world

                -- helping things aroun you is also a contribution

                -- should still pay attention to close one, not cold as ice

Session 9 James Cuno (The Cosmopolitan Museum)

    1. Ibn Battuta: 白图泰

        --Cosmopolitan Museum: concentrated travel experience

    2. Plaque of a War Chief:

        -- the artworks tell stories: historical value //cosmo education?

    3. Cold Mountain: 

        -- Translation: inspired by diverse styles

        -- artistical value

    4. Kosmopolites/ Globlaized World

        -- care about the roots & routes of the artworks

    5. Encyclopedic Museum:

        1. representation of the world

        2. promote tolerance and understanding of the difference between people (@马来西亚娘惹)

        3. shared sense of history

        //thus against definitive 'national' args.

Session 10 The Great Wall

